Oh Boy I feel like a small child because I just got a present...it's a brand new bike! You might be thinking that I have completely lost it, but you must understand why I am so excited. Well here are the reasons:
1. I have been walking all over Urbana, and it would be VERY helpful to have a bike to make those trips to Walgreens, the bank, to work, the library and the coffee shop a little quicker.
2. The bus is helpful and I am catching on fast to all the routes, but sometimes you just need some Tylenol from Walgreens and its quicker to ride your bike.
3. I haven't had a new bike in years! Actually I don't even have a bike at home because my parents sold it at a yard sale.
4. It will be a great way to exercise (and it is mostly flat here)!
So that is why I am so excited to be a proud new owner of a bike that my agency so graciously bought for me to help me get around. Actually a church wants to support me, so our financial VP is going to tell them they can help pay for my bike! I love all this connectionalism in the United Methodist Church.
I also went to the Library today, for my second trip there. I still am completely in love with that place. I got some new DVD's, this time Season 1 of CSI: NY and Reign Over Me. Then I got 3 books:
Eleanor vs. Ike - I have always been intrigued by Eleanor Roosevelt, and even though this is a fictional book I thought it might be a good read.
Palestinian Walks- On the back cover Anthony Lewis says that, "This book describes the unique Palestinian landscape, one that looked like a scene from the Bible - and describes what has been done to it by aggressive Israeli settlement and American failure" And since I have been very interested in Palestine and Israel since our training I thought I would read this.
Give Me Shelter - Stories about children who seek asylum - I checked this book out from the children's section in the library. I am looking for books to read to the older kids/teens that have short inspiring stories. I thought many of the kids could relate to children from foreign countries seeking asylum. Many of the kids I work with are seeking asylum from their homes, their foster homes, the "system", abuse, neglect, etc...If you have any suggestions of books for kids let me know! Our kids/Teens are 9-19, and we are looking for not just christian books, but stories that inspire.
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