Saturday, July 5, 2008

I am here in NYC!

I just wanted to let everyone know I am here safe and sound in NYC:) My flight was good and I had 2 US-2's Meg and Greg waiting for me when I arrived, after a cab ride we arrived to our destination and have had a few hours to just relax and grab lunch. I am excited about this new adventure, not really sure what to expect but I'm doing a lot better with just waiting on what the Lord has in store. So I say..Bring it on!

*side note but really funny...last night my family and I went to see Kevin Costner's band play at the Durham Bulls stadium to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the movie Bull Durham. There was a huge crowd that showed up and it was lots of fun. As the band finished and they begin to prepare for the fireworks this crazy rather intense storm came out of no where and everyone got pretty much trapped into the stadium, which lost power! We were all getting soaked and could only laugh at that point. Needless to say we saw all God Made Fireworks last night! It was a good family bonding experience:)

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