Here are 2 new books I am reading, thanks to my dad for giving them to me! One is, Jesus wants to Save the Christians: A Manifesto for The Church in Exile by Rob Bell and the second one is, Becoming the Answer to our Prayers - Prayer for Ordinary Radicals by Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. I am reading both of them at the same time because I couldn't decide when one I wanted to read first. The prayer one helped me decide on a lesson for the kids today on prayer, and we focused on the scripture where Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray. I really liked this excerpt from the book:
"But the most important thing about the prayer Jesus teaches may be that it invite us into new option. We don't have to give into greed or work as if everything depends on us. When the option are "get rich" or "save the world" we can respond with I want to become part of the people who ask for God' kingdom to come in their life together." We can find out identity not in our work or our causes, but in "Our Father in heaven."
The Rob Bell book I am just now getting into but I really like it so far. I love the titles he has for his chapters it cracks me up. Here is what the back cover of this book says,
"It's a book about faith and fear, wealth and war, poverty, power, safety, terror, Bibles, bombs, and homeland insecurity; it's about empty empires and the truth that everybody's priest, it's about oppression, occupation, and what happens when Christians support, animate, and participate in the very things Jesus came to set people free from. It's about what it means to be apart of the church of Jesus in a world where ome people fly planes into building while others pick up groceries in Hummers."
Gracious what a book...So I will try to write some posts on my feelings on these books as I read them.
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