These were the images I got blessed with seeing today! A beautiful Cross with a butterfly, a tomb with flowers, kids & youth (whom some dressed up and it was ADORABLE!), and some balloons! I woke up to a text from my brother wishing me a Happy Easter:) Then I went to a breakfast at church, which was delicious! After that I sat through a 1.5 hour church service that would have not been too bad BUT they did NOT sing, Christ the Lord is Risen Today, which is my favorite hymn. I am pretty sure this is the first year in my whole life I have not sang that song on Easter. My friend Caci and I were devestated. We also had communion, which was different and they and "Were you there?". It was just different for me, but I guess I will survive. Tonight I am going to a Easter dinner at my friend Kristen's and I am going to ask her husband to play Christ the Lord is Risen today, on the piano because I need to hear it!
After service #1, my boss and I ventured to work to begin filling up LOTS of balloons. We had a few issues with finding the key to the helium tank and all kinds of fun things. But after about 30 minutes of wasted time we started filling them up and then had to transport them from the Rec building, to the van, to the Spiritual Life Center, and then to the Chapel. It was hilarious and I have so much static in my hair and body I keep getting shocked! We just barely were ready at 2 when the kids arrived. Things went well for the most part, there were a few hiccups but I think only my boss and I noticed. My favorite part was the balloon release at the end! The kids wrote down something they wanted to, "Let Go, and Let God" and tied it to the balloon. Then we all went out in front of the Chapel and released the balloons. The wind had picked up so they went really fast. I am surprised I even got a shot of them! We all shouted ALLELUIA as we let go of our balloons. It was a lovely Easter:)
I did miss being with family, but they will be here soon! And I am so blessed to have a wonderful group of friends to join together tonight and eat with:) I made some deviled eggs and watergate salad to make myself feel a little at home! HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ALL! It truly is a blessed day to celebrate the Risen Lord, the empty tomb gives us hope for a new life!
1 comment:
Hooray for Easter dinner. ;-)
At fusion they played a video clip that I thought your kids might like. It's on Brad's blog:
I'm sure he could tell you more about it. I was looking around for some information online and came across another video and the full text:
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