Sorry I haven't written in awhile, I have just been really busy with lots of stuff at work and also am starting to enjoy a social life as well! It is funny how I will be preparing a lesson for the kids and then I end up learning so much from the lesson and kids as well. It is an awesome experience! I was planning a lesson about "Seasons" last week for our older youth. I was having a hard time picking a lesson and then I came upon one about Seasons and thought it was perfect timing since it just turned to fall. I had the kids draw things the represented their favorite seasons and the pictures cracked me up! A lot of the kids favorite season was fall, which suprised me because I thought they would have said Summer or even winter because of the snow. But no Fall was the season of choice.
Well if you know me at all Fall is my FAVORITE season, I love it and I am always the happiest in the fall. I love to see the leaves change, the air gets cool, it's perfect hiking and camping weather, sweatshirts, jeans, and boots are normal attire...basically it is just glorious! I just love to feel the summer being blown away into fall. Fall also appeals to me because it represents a lot of change. The leaves change colors, they fall off the trees, and everything prepares for the coming winter. I think that might be why these kids picked fall as their favorite season (minus the fact there is halloween and they can jump in the leaves)...but also because it kind of represents a time of change, where we shed off the past of previous seasons slowly and then are given the opportunity to be still and collect ourselves in the winter. These kids have been through a lot, and they just want to start over in many ways...not forget the past but be able to forgive whom they need to and just move on. I think fall brings hope that, that can become a reality.
There was my deep message haha. Now for some excitements I have for this Fall season...
1. I am going to Chicago Oct. 17-19 to visit with my friends that I worked/lived with in Philly last summer!! We are going to see the So You Think You Can Dance Show and tour the city! It will be nice to see some friends:)
2. I am going Camping the 2nd to last weekend in Oct. with some friends from my Grad Bible Study! I am really excited, because I LOVE camping and thought I wasn't going to be able to go this year.
3. Spending the fall with some amazing kids and staff here at Cunningham:)
And some prayers...
*We have some kids leaving soon, and they just happen to be some kids I have gotten to know really well. I am going to miss them, but I just ask for prayers that they will be sent to good foster homes and be able to succeed after this program.
*That I will find the right balance in the midst of all of the newness of a new job, a new town, new friends, etc...
Thank you all for your support, and I pray that your Fall season will give you each a time to shed off some of the past to prepare for what God has instore for your future.
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